Planning Overview
BACC has been reviewing the weekly ‘Sedgemoor Planning Applications’ for a number of years, we generally ‘only’ concern ourselves with the major commercial or housing developments within the Bridgwater area. Those major planning applications that are connected with or relate to the significant cycling corridors or integrated link routes between Bridgwater districts.
To give an example; The Northgate Yard Cinema Complex & Brewery Field Development; we have reviewed the associated planning application(s) – typical associated number; 08/20/00204 inputted via the Sedgemoor District Council (SDC) online portal, we have then reviewed all development plans and any attached documents that are associated with cycling or walking infrastructure. From here we advise on change of existing drawing design or the need to include additional cycling & walking safety features. All our thoughts and notes are then inserted into the application as ‘BACC Planning Comments’. The Northgate Yard infrastructure general issues are; corridor through this complex is restricted (does not allow cycling continuity through site), Brewery Field path should be widened (above standard 3m width) and Aston Way crossing should be designed with additional safety in mind. We have also meet SDC Planning Officers on the Northgate Yard site to discuss our specific concerns.
We also on an adhoc basis look at the ‘Planning Application Search Register‘, under: Planning Control we scroll to the bottom of the webpage to ‘Search for a Planning Application’. This area provides the wider view of the significant road & business infrastructure project planning applications dealt with by Somerset County Council (SCC) Highways Authority.
The list of BACC reviewed planning applications is retained on an Excel Spreadsheet Database. This sheet contains planning application status, site details, dates, BACC comments & reviewers name. This is updated at regularly intervals.
BACC Planning Applications
Current Planning Applications
- Wembdon District: Cockerhurst Farm; Planning application 51/19/00003 reviewed and BACC comments added. Further housing developments either side of the Quantock Road to be considered in future years
- Bower Estate (Green Lane): Planning application 09/20/00019 reviewed and BACC comments added. Many further housing developments along the M5 corridor will require outline planning permission
- Northgate Yard Cinema Complex: Planning application 08/20/00204 associated to the Brewery Field area reviewed and BACC comments added. Cinema complex is being built and due to be finished by late Autumn 2022
- Somerset Bridge Development: Planning application 37/22/00007 associated to the Hamp & Somerset Bridge areas, has been reviewed and BACC comments added.
Potential New Planning Developments
- Westonzoyland/Bridgwater Link: Safe route that links Westonzoyland to Bridgwater without the need to use the dangerous A372 road via a short connecting path between Bullhorn Lane & River Lane. More details to follow (land ownership issues to resolve)
- Gravity Smart Campus Enhancement Scheme: This brand new cycling & walking path will connect the Gravity site to both the villages of Puriton & Woolavington. Basic outline planning application & intial drawings reviewed and site meeting held with Site Director. Further details to follow upon comprehensive design drawings being made available
- Bridgwater Tidal Barrier: BACC involved in initial application for the outline planning permission and concept details. Path across barrier will connect both sides of the River Parrett with the Express Park area. Not due to start until 2025
Planning for the Future!
At the outset our research of local planning documentation is to find where references are made to walking & cycling and/or statements that wish to improve the town’s environment. The four documents below provide you with a comprehensive view of the local council’s vision for the town’s infrastructure development and its longer term aims & objectives for Bridgwater’s future. BACC’s wish is to be part of this journey and we will monitor progress against these documents high ambitions.
Within the Bridgwater Vision Document, one of the primary objectives states ”to shape and influence a transport strategy and investment package for the town which will create a safe, attractive and inclusive public realm, with an enhanced environment for pedestrians and cyclists” and further within the Sedgemoor Local Plan 2011-2032 (adopted version, Feb 2019) within its sustainable development principles (policy S4), it states “minimising the need to travel and encourage any journeys by alternative means of travel by maximising opportunities for walking, cycling and the use of public transport”. Watch this space!
Planning Documents & Local Information
- Bridgwater Vision (December 2015); This document provides a framework for the continued planned growth of our district’s primary town. The vision concept started in 2009 and is to be refreshed in future years. It provides a vision of the future and the decades to come. I.E. What could be possible?
- National Planning Policy Framework (February 2019); This sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how they should be applied. This document must be considered under all development plans and is a fundamental document for all planning decisions
- Sedgemoor Local Plan 2011-2032 (February 2019); This lays out the ‘core’ strategy for the local council and how the district will grow and develop into the future. It includes the vision, priorities and policy framework for the Bridgwater area development. Together with the adopted neighbourhood plans the ‘local plan’ is the starting point for determining planning applications. The ‘work horse’ document!
- Sedgemoor 2050 Transport Investment Strategy (October 2019); The strategy considers all forms & ‘modes’ of travel and all areas of Sedgemoor, as well as connections to & from the district. This document builds on the ‘Sedgemoor Local Plan’ identifying infrastructure requirements to support development beyond 2032. Section 1.29 Cycling & Walking specifically leads you to the recommendations under the Bridgwater Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan (LWCIP)
If any further information is required about any of the above planning information, please email