There are three huge crises right now: cost of living, public health, and climate change. It can seem like these issues are too big for us to deal with on an individual level – what can one person do about the state of the environment or the NHS? This is where Bridgwater Area Cycling Campaign comes in. Along with other forms of active travel, cycling takes huge strides towards tackling all three of these seemingly insurmountable issues. It’s cheap, healthy and almost carbon-neutral. And there is strength in numbers. Working together as a group, and with your support, we can start to effect real change in Bridgwater and the surrounding area.
The Climate Crisis

You don’t have to be a tree-hugging hippy these days to have an interest in the environment – it affects us all; we are already seeing the effects of climate change here on our doorstep, like the heatwave of August 2022 and the floods of 2014.
Replacing petrol and diesel vehicles with electric ones is a great step, as is encouraging more use of public transport. But these steps alone aren’t enough – we all need to get around by walking and cycling more.
The Public Health Crisis
Almost everyone you talk to these days knows they should be healthier. Rates of obesity are higher than ever, and preventable conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer are also on the rise. This puts unnecessary strain on our creaking health service, at a time when it’s already been severely affected by the covid pandemic.
Simple, low-impact activities like cycling are a quick win. They’re easy to get started, and they have a huge impact on your physical and mental wellbeing. Cycling reduces stress and anxiety, and improves self-esteem. And people who commute by bike are happier and more productive.

The Cost of Living Crisis

This one needs no introduction – it’s all over the news. Whatever your income level, no doubt you’ll be affected in some way. Running a car or two, or even using public transport to get about is becoming less and less affordable.
Cycling has always presented an affordable alternative – but now more than ever. Read more here about the economy-boosting benefits of walking, wheeling and cycling.
And there’s more…
Bridgwater’s Local Economy
According to Cycling UK, “A compact town optimised for walking and cycling can have a “retail density” (spend per square metre) 2.5 times higher than a typical urban centre.” And having a pleasant environment in which to linger makes shoppers more likely to spend both time and money there.
Road Safety
When cars are seen as so normal, it’s easy to ignore how dangerous they are. But the simple fact is that reducing the number of cars on our streets makes them safer places to be.
Cycling is good for Bridgwater!
Want to know more? Take a look at our Cycling Charter.