As a voluntary organisation, everything we do is fuelled by the kindness and dedication of our members and supporters. We simply couldn’t function without this wonderful commitment.
But we are limited in what we can achieve, and there is always so much more we aspire to.
If you like what we do and wish to further our cause, there is a variety of ways you can help, depending on how much time and/or money you have available to give. Whatever you can do, we are enormously grateful! Here are some ideas…
Like, Follow, Share!

You don’t need to have spare time or money to help us…
- Follow us on our social media channels – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
- When you see us in your feed, give us a like. Maybe even a comment!
- Spread the love… Share our posts as widely as you wish!
The more people are aware of our work and why it matters, the more impact we can have in Bridgwater. Simply spreading the word through social media is an enormously important factor in this.
Image by / Freepik

Similar to the above – if you’re short on time but want to stay in the loop with what we’re up to, you can sign up to receive our emails. We usually send three or four emails each month, and we promise never to use your details for anything else.
Image by storyset on Freepik

If you have a bit of time to spare, whether it’s weekly, monthly or a one-off, we want to hear from you.
Maybe you’re a people person, an organiser, good with your hands, or maybe good with kids?
Whatever your skill set, if you care about cycling in Bridgwater, we can use your time, so get in touch!

As a voluntary organisation, we depend on donations and sponsors like you to fund our various activities.
Of course, we give our own time freely, but we still need funds for things like promotional materials, safety gear and maintaining our online presence.
Regular or one-off donations are warmly welcomed as they do so much towards a brighter future for cycling in Bridgwater!
£2.50 could print 50 flyers, or pay for a Land Registry search
£5 could supply hi-viz vests promoting the new 1.5 metre rule
£10 could provide bells and puncture repair kits to give away at events
Pledge your support

If you want cycling to play a bigger part in Bridgwater’s future, you can sign the Bridgwater Cycling Charter.
Dozens of individuals and organisations have already pledged their support, and you can too.